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Robin Food and Mealworms - This Robin knows where to get a square meal - and how to get it! Sent in by Wendy from Hertfrordshire
Chaffinch - Garden Bird Food - Stumpy the Chaffinch, Sent in by Wendy from Hertfordshire
Blackbird - and Thrush Food - Morning has broken - Blackbird has spoken!
Thrush - Blackbird and Thrush Food - Song Thrush in fine voice
Jay - Peanuts and seed mix - A lovely Jay in the garden larder
Starling - Suet balls and blocks - I spy with my little eye......
Goldcrest - Garden Bird Food - The smallest bird in Europe, and the national bird of Luxembourg!
Spotted Fly-Catcher - Garden Bird Food - Spotted Fly Catcher - in demand!
Jackdaw - Garden Bird Seed - Your silver will be safe with me!!
Dunnock by JUNE SOBIECHOWSKI - Dunnock's love our Winter mix bird food
Long tailed Tit by JUNE SOBIECHOWSKI - Robin and Tit Food works well for Long tailed Tits
Green Woodpecker by Bill Wilkinson - Green Woodpecker in the garden, by Bill Wilkinson
Light coloured Sparrow - A White Sparrow from Philip Standring
White Cock Pheasant by Catherine Webster - I am quite happy to dance for my supper!
Young Starling by Philip Standring - Young Starling
First time out of the nest - Blackbird and Thrush food is ideal for your garden songbirds
Great Crested Grebe by Karen Wood - Great Crested Grebe - looking gorgeous
Moustached Warbler - By Andrew Macintyre
Goldfinch by Cliff - Goldfinch enjoying a Niger breakfast
Bullfinches by Glyn Jones - Bullfinches love sunflower hearts. One of two pairs in Lockley wood
Inquisitive Robin by Julian Taylor - Is that a mealworm I spy!!
Young Moorehen by Julian Taylor - A young Moorehen
Green Woodpecker - Tony Taylor - Female woodpecker on the lawn of Mulberry Cottage, Chswick, taken by Tony Talor
Heron by Annie Chambers - Heron Taken in wimborne on the river Stour. Obviously a good catch.
Pigeons by Annie Chambers - Give me a hug mum. Taken in the Lilac tree in our garden. They had a nest in the Pitisporum and would always choose this branch to come out to sit on.
Black Cap by Rob Gough - Black Cap in Newport Shropshire Enjoying great quality Suet Balls from British Bird Food - Thanks David will be back for more soon!
Pigeon on berries by Annie Chambers - Such tasty berries - and all for free. Taken in Wimborne not far from our garden
Swans in Apex park by Pauline Russell
Long Tailed Tit by Rob Gough - Long Tailed Tit. He would love some Robin and Tit food!
Stephen Bourton's pair of Green Woodpeckers. - Green Woodpeckers in the garden