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RSPB big bird watch

The RSPB Spring garden bird watch January 27th - 29th.


Its that time of year again! Snowdrops in flower Daffodils about to flower and the RSPB have their annual garden bird watch for you to enjoy your garden even more.

The Spring garden bird watch takes place on the last weekend of January and is a great opportunity to get all the family involved and learning about nature on your doorstep - you don't have to have a garden, just pick a quiet spot in the park or countryside and sit for an hour just watching what goes on, and if you want to, you can record the species you observe and report them back to the RSPB . They can then analise all of the data and let us all know how the wild birds are doing and they will compare the results to previous years and then we can see which species need extra care, so enabling us to feed specific types of food and in species friendly ways.

For example, I think we will see a deterioration in Blackbird numbers this year and so what we can do is favour the ground feeding methods, by putting out a feed tray or something similar to feed songbird friendly mixes that contain fruit and nuts and sunflower hearts and suet pellets, all of which will benefit the Blackbird population and get them prepared and fit for the coming breeding season (Blackbirds start pairing up in late January), as they will need all the energy they can get for the three or four clutches of eggs they will be laying and hopefully fledging the young from them.

So please do support the RSPB in their mission and enjoy nature and all that is around you this Spring time.

Tags: watch, bird, watch