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Quails are small, plump birds. They are seed eaters but will also take insects and similar small prey. They nest on the ground and are capable of short, rapid bursts of flight. (yet they manage to migrate to North Africa and back). The two main breeds being the Common Quail, and the Japanese Quail. The Japanese Quail are mainly farmed for their eggs. The Common Quail is bred as a small gamebird, and is the UK's only migrant gamebird. It is a Red List species because of its historical decline as a UK breeding species, due to changes in farming practices. The Quail arrives in late-April and stays until late summer. Quails are very small and elusive and are usually heard rather than seen The male has a dark central stripe and two curved band sat the throat. The breast of the female is spotted and the throat is paler.
Number in Britain9,000
Conservation Status UKRed (depleting in Europe also)
Status in UKMigrant Breeder
Length17 cm
Wingspan34 cm
HabitatField and pasture
First Record7th Century
Egg Size30x23 mm
Egg Weight8.2 g
Clutch Size803 eggs
Incubation17-20 days
Fledging18-20 days
Number of broods1 or 2
£55.96 £93.16